


YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの“Paper Towns.”からの引用です。




"Ben continued, “my two remaining strategies are either to purchase a prom date on the Internet or fly to Missouri and kidnap some nice corn-fed little honeybunny.” I’d tried telling Ben that “honeybunny” sounded more sexist and lame than retro-cool, but he refused to abandon the practice. He called his own mother a honeybunny. There was no fixing him.”




"There is no fixing him" = 「あいつはどうしようもない」





"do the necessary work to improve or adapt something"







Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)




YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの“Paper Towns.”からの引用です。



“And I didn’t think about the alligators or the disgusting layer of brackish algae. I just got a running start and jumped as far as I could. I landed in waist-deep water and then high-stepped across. The water smelled rank and felt slimy on my skin, but at least I wasn’t wet above my waist. Or at least I wasn’t until Margo jumped in, splashing water all over me. I turned around and splashed her. She faux-retched.”




"faux-retch" = 「吐くフリをする」






"made in imitation; artificial"



"make the sound and movement of vomiting"







Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)





YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの“Paper Towns.” からの引用です。




“SeaWorld is just past the parkway,” Margo said. She was in the wayback of the minivan again, rifling through a backpack or something.”





"rifle thorugh something" = 「ものを引っ掻き回して探しものをする」






"search through somehting in a hurried way in order to find or steal something"



Middle English: from Old French rifler, 'graze,plunder', of Germanic orgin.







 タイトルの”Paper Towns”は「張子の街(紙でできたちゃちな見た目だけの街)」という意味です。高層ビルから街を見下ろして美人の幼馴染マーゴがつぶやくセリフです。

Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)





YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの“Paper Towns.”からの引用です。





“Q, in the scheme of things, what kind of trouble can Sea-World get you into? I mean, Jesus, after everything I’ve done for you tonight, you can’t do one thing for me? You can’t just shut up and calm down and stop being so goddamned terrified of every little adventure?” And then under her breath she said, “I mean, God. Grow some nuts.”




"Grow some nuts" = 「少しはしっかりして」




"grow some balls " = "an insult referrring to your obvious manlessness. Has some more meaning when said by a girl"


balls = nuts. そして"nuts"はキ◯タマのことです。

“grow some nuts”を直訳すると「少しはキン○マ成長させて」






Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)








YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの“Paper Towns.”からの引用です。




“I need you to use Radar’s login to the student directory and look up an address. Chuck Parson.”
“Please,” I said.
“You’ll be glad you did this, Ben. I promise.”
“Yeah, yeah, I just did it. I was doing it while saying no—can’t help but help. Four-two-two Amherst. Hey, why do you want Chuck Parson’s address at four-twelve in the morning?”
“Get some sleep, Benners.”
“I’m going to assume this is a dream,” Ben answered, and hung up.”





「わかった、わかった。今調べたよ。ヤダって言ってる間にしらべてたから。助けずにはいられないからな。4−2−2 アムハースト。それで、なんでチャック・パーソンの住所を朝の4時12分に知りたいんだ?」







"I'm going to assume this is a dream" = 「これは夢だと思うことにする」






Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)




YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの“Paper Towns.”からの引用です。




“Jason lived just down the road from Karin, in this uber-rich subdivision called Casavilla. All the houses in Casavilla are Spanish-style with the red-tile roofs and everything, only they weren’t built by the Spanish. They were built by Jason’s dad, who is one of the richest land developers in Florida. “Big, ugly homes for big, ugly people,” I told Margo as we pulled into Casavilla.”




"uber-rich" = 「超リッチ」



"denoting an outstanding or supereme example of a particular kind of person or thing"



"Term with literal meaning of "above" in German. Brought to the mainstream in the early 80's by hardcore American punk band, the Dead Kennedys when using the term in the anti-Californian government song "California Uber Alles", which is a take off the German motto of "Deustchland Uber Alles", which translates to "Germany above all." The term was picked up in their native California stomping grounds by the typical surfers and "punks" and extended from there to many teenagers, the majority of which use the term online." 

「ドイツ語で文字通り『〜より上の』を意味する。デッド・ケネディというハードコア・アメリカン・パンクバンドが反カリフォルニア州政府の曲”California Uber Alles”でこの単語を使ったことにより80年台初期に大衆に知られるようになった。このタイトルは”世界に冠たるドイツ”を意味するドイツのモットー"Deutstchland Uber Alles"からとったものである。この単語はカリフォルニアのサーファーやパンクなどにより地元カリフォルニアの彼らのたまり場で使われた。それからオンライン上を中心にティーンエージャーに広がった」




 ジョン・グリーンが司会のYouTubeチャンネル、CrashCourseは英語で大学入試程度の世界史が学べます。なにかあると"Except for Mongol"(モンゴル人は除く)と言ってモンゴル人が乱入するアニメが流れて話が中断します。でもそれが良い。

Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)






YouTuberとしても有名なジョン・グリーンの”Paper Towns”からの引用です。



真夜中に幼馴染の女の子が主人公の 親の車を運転してほしいと頼んできます。

“Let’s just please not get in trouble,” I said. “I mean, I want to have fun and everything, but not at the expense of, like, my future.”





"not at the expense of my future" = 「将来を犠牲にしてまでではない」



"at the expesne of"をググると以下のように説明されています。

"so as to cause harm to or neglect of"






Paper Towns (English Edition)

Paper Towns (English Edition)