


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Sure. She can go in.”
“Before or after you?”
Harry hesitates, and remembers the way Mrs. Springer came and visited him on his empty planet. “She can go in before.”
“Thank you. Good. Then she can go home. We’ll get her out in a minute. It’ll be about ten minutes all told. Your wife is being prepared by the nurses.”
“Swell.” He sits down to show how docile he is and rises again. “Say, thanks by the way. Thank you very much. I don’t see how you doctors do it.”
Crowe shrugs. “She was a good girl.”
“When we had the other kid I was scared silly. It took ages.”
“Where did she have it?”
“At the other hospital. Homeopathic.”












"swell" = 「素晴らしい」




"excellent; very good" 「素晴らしい。とても良い」







John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。

“ She pours a glass of milk for Nelson and pulls some leaves off of a head of lettuce and sets them on a yellow plastic plate and eats a handful herself. She thinks she won’t set a place for herself and then thinks she will because maybe this trembling in her stomach is hunger and gets another plate and stands there holding it with two hands in front of her chest wondering why Daddy was so sure Harry was here...”



"to pull some leaves off of a head of lettuce" =「レタスの葉をちぎる」



"to use force to take something from the place where it is fixed or held."





"to pull something off something"




"I pulled off some leaves ..." This version suggests a gentle or careful action, as if you carefully removed the leaves.

「”I pulled off some leaves..."このバージョンは優しく注意深い動きの響きがある。まるで注意深くレタスの葉を取り除くような」

"I tore some leaves off..." This version impies a more forceful or abrupt action, as if you quickly and decisively removed the leaves.

「"I tore some levess off..."このバージョンはより力がこもった又は唐突な動きを暗示する。まるで急に決意を込めてレタスの葉を取り除くような」




"to damage something such as paper or cloth by pulling it hard or letting it touch something sharp."




確かに日本語でも「ちぎる」というと丁寧に取り除くというより「(大雑把に)ちぎる」ニュアンスがあるので"tear"の方が日本人の「レタスのはをちぎる」に近い響きがあります。かといって”pull”が間違いかというと、元々"tear"の意味の一つに"pull off"があるので"pull something off"でも問題ないかと思います。"pull"の方が中間的なニュアンスの響きがするというだけです。


"Yes, using 'rip' can convey a more intense and forceful action compared to 'tear.' 'Rip' often implies a rough or vigorous action, and it can indeed sound more intense or even slightly barbaric depending on the context. On the other hand, 'tear' has a broader range of connotations, and it might sound less aggressive while still indicating the act of removing something with some force..."




"a head of lettuce"で「1球のレタス」の意味です。



"the edible leafy part at the top of the stem of such green vegetables as cabbage and lettuce"






John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Janice closes her eyes and says, “He went to Allentown.”
“What would he do there?”
“He’s going to sell a car.”
“Don’t be silly. Janice. Are you all right?”
“What do you mean?”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Drinking what?”
“Now don’t worry, I’m coming right over.”
“Mother, don’t. Everything is fine. I just put Nelson into his nap.”
“I’ll have a bite to eat out of the icebox and come right over. You lie down.”
“Mother, please don’t come over.”
“Janice, now don’t talk back. When did he go?”
Stay away, Mother. He’ll be back tonight.” She listens and adds, “And stop crying.”















"talk back" = 「口答えする」


"talk back"をググると以下のように説明されています。


"reply defiantly or insolently"






John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“She sits there with her face in her hands, her tears crawling out between her fingers and her sobs shaking through the apartment. She doesn’t stifle them because she wants to wake somebody; she is sick of being alone. In the bleaching light the walls and furniture are clear and regain their colors and the merging brown spots have gone into herself.”



"sick of being alone" = 「一人でいるのが嫌になる」


"sick" をググると以下のように説明されています。


"disappointed, mortified, or miserable"









John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“He finds his suntans and puts them on. She asks, “Why can’t you try to imagine how I feel? I’ve just had a baby.”
“I can. I can but I don’t want to, it’s not the thing, the thing is how I feel. And I feel like getting out.”
“Don’t. Harry. Don’t.”



"I can but I don't want to." = 「できるけどしたくない」




John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“It would have been easy a minute ago to get it over with but all this talk has taken the fine point off. It’s a bad contact and her stubborn limpness makes it worse; she’s killing it by making him feel sorry for her and ashamed and foolish. The whole sweet thing is just sweat and work and his ridiculous inability to finish it against the dead hot wall of her belly. She pushes him back. “You’re just using me,” she says. “It feels horrible.”
“Please, baby. I’m almost there.”
“It feels so cheap.”



"I'm almost there." = 「あともう少し」


"I'm almost there."をググるとFreedictionaryのサイトで以下のように説明されています。

"soon to be or nearly finished with some goal or task."




"The act or state of being near to completion, as in orgasm or a long road trip or even used in surgeryology(the study of words used duringn a surgery)"





John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“But one thing at least, his father pays some attention to Nelson, who hopefully rolls the lemon toward him. He rolls it back. “You going to be a ballplayer like your Dad?”
“He can’t, Earl,” Mom interrupts, and Rabbit is happy to hear her voice, believing the ice has broken, until he hears what she says. “He has those little Springer hands.”
“For Chrissake, Mom, lay off,” he says, and regrets it, being trapped.”



"lay off" = 「やめてくれ」


"lay off"をググると以下のように説明されています。


"give up or stop doing something"


