



”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。




“I didn't send the woman who gave birth to me a card this year. Interpersonal relationships in our family have gone completely to pot. This is what living with the shadow of the bomb does to you.”




"go to pot" = 「駄目になる」




wikitionaryでは"go to pot"は以下のように説明されています。

"(figuratively) to decline or deteriorate" = 「(比喩的に)衰退する、悪化する」

ちなみに、この"pot"はもともとは"chamber pot"「尿瓶、おまる、室内用便器」からきています。







The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole: Adrian Mole Book 2 (English Edition)

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole: Adrian Mole Book 2 (English Edition)