


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“It would have been easy a minute ago to get it over with but all this talk has taken the fine point off. It’s a bad contact and her stubborn limpness makes it worse; she’s killing it by making him feel sorry for her and ashamed and foolish. The whole sweet thing is just sweat and work and his ridiculous inability to finish it against the dead hot wall of her belly. She pushes him back. “You’re just using me,” she says. “It feels horrible.”
“Please, baby. I’m almost there.”
“It feels so cheap.”



"I'm almost there." = 「あともう少し」


"I'm almost there."をググるとFreedictionaryのサイトで以下のように説明されています。

"soon to be or nearly finished with some goal or task."




"The act or state of being near to completion, as in orgasm or a long road trip or even used in surgeryology(the study of words used duringn a surgery)"


