


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Harry shields his eyes with his hand. They feel hot and vulnerable to light. “Thank you,” he says, and almost moans in his gratitude to this man, whom he has always despised, for making a speech so generous. He tries to frame, in accordance with an etiquette that continues to operate in the thick of grief as if underwater, a counter-speech. “I promise I’ll keep my end of the bargain,” he brings out, and stops, stifled by the abject sound of his voice. What made him say bargain?



"keep one's end of the bargain" = 「自分の役割を果たす」


"keep one's end of the bargain"をググるとTheFreeDictionaryのサイトで以下のように説明されています。

"To do as one promised in an agreement or bargain; to carry through with what one agreed to do"





end = "a part or personn's share of an activity"「ある行動の一部分又はある人への割当分」

