



acolyte = a person who follows and help a leader. 語源は L. aclolytus 'follower' 元々は宗教行事に司祭の助手を意味していました。


telly = a television set e.g. He spends most evenings just sitting in front of the telly. (彼はたいていの夜をテレビの前に座ってすごしている。)「エイドリアン・モール」シリーズの ウェポンズ・オブ・マスディストラクションの中で使われていまし…


ante = a stake put up by a player in poker or brag before receiving cards. (informal)pay an amount of money in advance. e.g.the owners have to ante up if they want to attract the best talent. 「優秀な人材を勧誘するためには事業主は予算を上…


dichotomy = a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. e.g."the dichotomy of the one and the many" 「個人と大衆の相違」 語源は from dikho- 'in two, apart' + -tomia 'cutting'…


ream = a large quantity of something, especially paper or writing ;A unit of measurement for sheets of paper; normally 500. e.g."reams of paper have been used to debate these questions." 「膨大な資料がそれらの質問を質疑するために使われた。…


wanton = deliberately harming someone or damaging something for no reason e.g. He will not tolerate wanton violence. 「彼は理不尽な暴力は許さないだろう。」 語源は 'rebellious, lacking discipline', from wan- 'badly' + togen 'trained'. 「統…


swagger = act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner e.g. "He swaggered along the corridor." 「彼はえらそうに廊下を歩いた。」同義語には strut, cock, などがあります。 今日の単語もチャールズ・ブコウスキーの"Ham on Rye”で使…


fancy = to want to have or do something. ;have a fancy or particular liking or desire for e.g.Do you fancy a drink?(一杯どう?) Anyone fancy a cuppa?(誰かお茶欲しい?) 語源は contraction of 'fantasy'. 語源(fantasy)から分かるように他の…


hunk =A sexually attractive man with a well-developed physique. 分かりやすく言えば「ハンサム」です。ハンサムなだけではなく、鍛えられた肉体美を持つ人のことをさすようです。


liquidate = to close a business and sell everything it owns in order to pay debts同義語は close down, wind up, put into liquidation, dissolve, disband語源は (in the sense 'set out (accounts) clearly') from medieval Latin liquidat- 'made cl…


antithesis =The direct or exact opposite e.g. Love is the antithesis of selfishness. (愛はわがままの正反対のものである。) 語源は from late Latin, from Greek antitithenai 'set against', from anti 'against' + tithenai 'to place'. The earlie…


kernel = the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone;e.g. "black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell" (黒くるみの種は殻から取り出すのが難しい。) 日本語のイメージだと「果物の身」です。 「(…


berate = To rebuke or scold angrily and at length.e.g."The mother berated the child for entering a stranger's car" (母親は知らない人の車に載った子供をしかりつけた。)語源は from be- "thoroughly" + M.E. rate "to scold," from O.Fr. reter "a…


sassy = 1 sexually suggestive, in a light-hearted and humorous way.2 having or expressing a bold, lively, or spirited manner.Ham on Rye: A Novel作者: Charles Bukowski出版社/メーカー: Ecco発売日: 2014/07/29メディア: ペーパーバック クリック:…