



”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 バートは、主人公がボランティア活動を通じて仲良くなったおじいちゃんです。 “I pointed out to Bert that he would have to pay for each phone call he made, but he laughed his whe…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 友達のナイジェルによる紹介でローラースケート場でブラインドデートをすることになります。でも、主人公エイドリアンはローラースケートをしたことがありません。 “Borrowed Nigel's di…


イギリスの少年エイドリアンの日記、 ”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “I can't go on with this charade of churchgoing every Sunday. I will have to tell Grandma that I have become an agnostic atheist. If there…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “Today is a day that will go down in history.' He paused long enough for a rumour to travel along the rows that he was resigning, then he shouted, 'Quiet!' and continued, 'T…


ビル・ブライソンによる ヨーロッパ旅行記”Neither Here, Nor There”からの引用です。 筆者がスイスのレストランで食事したときのエピソードです。 "... For one horrible moment I thought she might tie a napkin around my neck and cut my food up for m…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 蝶ネクタイを締めて胸元がヒラヒラとしているシャツを着ている 一風変わった郵便配達員が主人公エイドリアンの家にやってきます。 “He invited himself into the kitchen and asked to b…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “My father said, 'Some rotten sod's shopped me to the tax!' ” 「お父さんは言った『どこかの腐ったやつが俺を国税局に売りやがった』」 "shop somebody" = 「人を売る(密告する)」…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “Our usual postman has been replaced by another one called Courtney Elliot. We know his name because he knocked on the door and introduced himself. He is certainly no run-of…


イギリスの少年エイドリアンの日記、 ”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “Still it serves her right for being promiscuous. I wonder who the father is?” 「でも、誰とでも寝ていることへの当然の報いだ。父親は誰なん…


イギリスの少年エイドリアンの日記、 ”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “Hamish made a terrible faux pas at breakfast. He asked my mother, 'Hey, Pauline, where's that guy, Lucas?” 「ハミッシュが朝食で粗相をした…


イギリスの少年エイドリアンの日記、 ”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “My father is getting fed up with his job as a canal bank renovation supervisor. He says that no sooner do Boz, Baz, Maz, Daz and Gaz, his…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “He tried to get me to join the Young Communists. I said I would think about it. I thought about it for five minutes then decided not to. The GCE examiners might get to hear…


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02”からの引用です。 “Stick Insect is pregrant! I saw her in the Co-op this afternoon. Maxwell House was having a tantrum at the checkout so I was spared from speaking to her. ” 「あのナナフシ女…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “How-ever, I dashed them away and went to call on old Bert and Queenie.” 「しかし、僕は涙を拭っていつものバートとクイニーに電話をかけに行った」 "dash away a tear" = 「涙を拭…




"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “And I just love your flues [chimneys, translated by Mr Dock]. In the Apple [New York] we don't have flues [chimneys]” 「それに、煙突がすごいよ。(ドック先生が『チムニー』だ…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02."からの引用です。 “He said, 'Hey, that's bad news, Adrian, but I'm busy tonight. Come and see me at 6 p.m. tomorrow night and we'll have a good rap.” 「彼は言った。『ヘイ、悪いニュースだな、…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “Yes it was a brillo party. But, my dear, I'm rather worried.” 「そうね、とても良いパーティーだった。でも、やだ、少し心配なの」 "brillo" = "brilliant(素晴らしい)"の略。 "b…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “She went on, 'Please bring a sample of urine with you, a small sample, no full-to-the-brim pickle jars, please.” 「彼女は続けた『尿のサンプルを持ってきてください。少量のサ…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “Grandma's corset looks like a parachute harness. I asked her how she gets in and out of it. She told me it was all down to self-discipline. She has got a theory that since …


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “I have just realized that I have never seen a dead body or a real female nipple. This is what comes of living in a cul-de-sac.” 「今丁度気づいたんだけれど、今までに死体を見…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “My mother said, 'You're an anal retentive, aren't you?' and my father said, 'You're tight-fisted, and you've always got your perfectly groomed head in a book.” 「『潔癖症な…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “So Friday at 2 o'clock. Please be punctual.' Then she put the phone down.” 「『それでは金曜日の2時に。どうぞ遅刻しないようにしてください』そして、彼女は受話器を下ろした」 …


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “Nigel agrees with me. He asked me if he could stay behind and live at our house. I warned him about the poor standard of living but he said he would bring all his consumer …


”The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02.”からの引用です。 “This morning I spent half an hour in the bathroom studying my nose, after my so-called best friend Nigel asked me last night if I realized I was a Dustin Hoffman look-alik…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “You sound as if you've got a nice sensible lassie; enjoy each other's company. Take up a hobby, keep physically and mentally alert and learn to control your breathing.” 「…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “I will get my father to write my excuse notes in future; he is a born liar.” 「これからは、お父さんに休みの届けを書いてもらおう。お父さんは生まれつきの嘘つきだから」 "a bor…


モール君の秘密日記シリーズを読み直してハマりました。"Holes"や"Harry Potter"と似たような中毒性があります。13歳の少年の日記という設定なので読みやすいです。 "The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “Well, well, well…


"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “I am now minus a front tooth! The stupid Australian dentist took it out instead of repairing it." 「僕は前歯が一本無い事になってしまった。馬鹿なオーストラリア人の歯医者が治…


わかりやすいイギリス英語で書かれている"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。 “The lucky toothless birds started their horrible squawking and I swore that from this day forward I would go to the dentist's four tim…