





The JapanTimesの記事に以下の一文がありました。



"The fatty parts of fish, which went bad before the lean parts, were so disliked that they were deemed fit only for cats."



The JapnTimesの旅行記に以下の一文がありました。




A detailed self-guided tour, written by a former Gujo-Hachiman resident who decamped to Canada, leads me to the dark blue noren (shop curtain) of Watanabe Indigo, one of the town’s most famous aizome(indigo dyeing) houses.



Japan Timesの記事に以下の一文がありました。



"Saga Prefecture has long ranked low among domestic tourist destination in Japan, but local officials and residents believe this is all down to a bad rap that is quite unearned."



"A Short History of Nearly Everyhting"を読んでから、Bill Brysonのファンです。"African Diary"を読んでいると、以下の文が気になりました。


"... It also means that donations for these services are harder to secure because so many people think that any money sent to Africa goes into the pocket of despots ..."



続いてBill Brysonはこう言っています。

"If anyone ever, ever, ever tries to suggest to you that this is the case, you must poke them in the eyes with something at least as big as a snooker cue, for it just isn't so."



Netflixで”The Tudors”にハマっています。志村けんを思い起こさせるヘンリー八世のバカ殿ぶりが大好きです。


The JapanTimesの記事の中に以下の一文がありました。




"... in Osaka you are sized up: its men and women look you straight in the eye, you presence is frankly appraised."





The Japan Times の旅行記は、以下のように始まります。




"Marred though the view is with power lines and other trappings of modernity, the rainbow that appears at the far end of Tsubame-Sanjo Station seems a rather auspicious beginning."


"birthday suit"は誕生日用のスーツ?


Lonely Planetのブログからです。



"Warning: don’t be shy, birthday suits are compulsory."

