


ユーチューバーとしても有名なJohn Greenのからの引用です。


“They ate a dinner of hamburgers and steamed asparagus in the Wells family backyard. Colin’s backyard in Chicago measured twelve feet by ten feet; this backyard went on for football fields. To their left, a hill rose to its peak, the forest broken up only by a few rocky outcroppings. To their right, a well-kept lawn stretched on down the hill toward a soybean field (he’d found out from Starnes that they were soybeans). As the sun set behind them, a citronella candle burned in a bucket in the center of the table to ward off mosquitoes. Colin liked how Gutshot felt wide open and endless.”



"to eat a dinner of humbergers " = 「ハンバーガーの夕食」




"dinner" = "something to eat". nが2つある"dinner"は食べ物。

"diner" = "place to eat". nが1つの"diner"は食べる場所。






