


ユーチューバーとしても有名なJohn Greenの"An Abundance of Katherines"からの引用です。


“Later, Colin knew their six hours were up when Lindsey Lee Wells stood up and said, “Well we gotta get going, Starnes.”
“All right,” he said. “Good to have you. And Lindsey, you just look perfect.”
“You need an air conditioner, bud? It’s awful hot in here, and Hollis could get you one no problem,” Lindsey said.
“I get by all right. She’s done good by me.” Starnes stood up and walked them to the door. Colin shook the old man’s shaky hand.”




"to do good(or well) by somebody" = 「sombebodyは良くしてくれる」


"to do good (well) by someone"をググるとmerriam-websterのサイト以下のように説明されています。













