


ユーチューバーとしても有名なJohn Greenの"An Abundance of Katherines"からの引用です。


“When he finished eating, Colin’s mind returned to Katherine XIX. He glanced at his phone to see if she’d called and noticed it was time to call his parents.
For whatever reason, Colin could never get reception in his house in the third-largest city in America but had all five bars in Gutshot, Tennessee. His father picked up.
“I’m still in the same town as yesterday. Gutshot, Tennessee,” Colin began. “I’m staying with a woman named Hollis Wells.”
“Thank you for calling on time. Should that name be familiar to me?” asked his dad.
“No, but she’s listed in the phone book. I checked. She owns a factory here. I think we’re going to stay here a few days,” Colin said, fibbing. “Inexplicably, Hassan loves it here, and also we seem to have gotten jobs.”





"fib" = 「(小さな)嘘を付く」



"a lie, typically an unimportannt one"「大したことのない嘘」


"mid 16th century: perhaps a shotenign of obsolete fible-fable 'nonsennse', reproduction of fable"









