



ユーチューバーとしても有名なJohn Greenの"An Abundance of Katherines"からの引用です。


“For a while, they drank. Even Colin stomached down the better part of a beer. Only Hassan abstained. “I’m back on the wagon,” he said. By then the sun was sinking fast toward the horizon and the mosquitoes had come out. Colin, already sweaty and bloody, seemed to be their favorite target. Lindsey was cuddled up against TOC, her head nestled between his pec and shoulder, his arm around her waist. Hassan sat next to Katrina, chatting with her in whispers, but they did not touch. Colin was still thinking.”



"on the wagon" = 「禁酒中」


"on the wagon"をググるとWikitionaryでは以下の通りに説明されています。


"(idiomatic) Abstainign from drinkingn any alcoholic drink, usually in the sense of having giving it up(as opposed to never havingn partaken); teetotal"



"Originally on the water wagon or on the water cart, referring to carts used to hose down dusty roads... The suggestion is that a person who is 'on the wagonn' is drinking water rather than alcoholic beverages. "







