


ユーチューバーとしても有名なJohn Greenの"An Abundance of Katherines"からの引用です。


“And by “bathroom,” SOCT meant “outhouse.” On the upside, the stench of the lodge’s outhouse masked the smell of the camouflage clothes, which reminded Colin of all the worst parts of the Kalman School’s gym. Still, he kicked off his shorts and slipped into the pants, the shirt, and the crossing-guard-orange vest. Before leaving the outhouse, Colin emptied out his pockets. Fortunately, the camo pants had huge cargo pockets—plenty of room for his wallet, his car keys, and the minirecorder, which he’d taken to carrying everywhere.”



"outhouse" = 「トイレ(野外の簡易トイレ)」




"a buildinng such as a shed or brn that is buit on to or in the grounds of a house"





"An outhouse is a small structure, separate from a main ubilding, which covers a toilet. This is typically eithe a pit latrine or a bucket toilet, but other forms of dry(non-flushing) toilets may be encountered. The term may also be used to denote the toilet itself, not just the structure."







