


昔カナダ人の先生に勧めてもらった"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。

'...“Just my luck! It is the first day of the school holidays and I can't go out because of my gigantic swollen nose”...'






  "Just my luck!" = 「ツイていない!」






"Just my luck" = used to say that you are not surprised something bad has happened to you, because you are usually unlucky




"Just my luck"  = When a cop pulls you over. 「(交通違反で)警察に路肩に止まれと言われた時」



macmillian dictionaryのサイトでは、

"used for saying that something bad happened because you are not a lucky person"


e.g. "Just my luck, they’d sold out by the time I got there."




The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole: Adrian Mole Book 2 (English Edition)

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole: Adrian Mole Book 2 (English Edition)




"Just my luck!"には自虐的なニュアンスが感じられます。いかにもイギリス的な表現で嫌いじゃないです。なにかツイていないことが起こったときは独り言で"Just my luck!"と言ってしまいそうです。






"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole 02"からの引用です。


"...'I feel guilty about mentioning a personal anguish at this time of national crisis, but ever since last night when a model aeroplane became stuck fast to my nose with glue, I have suffered torment.'..."






 "stick fast" = 「しっかりくっついて離れない






fast = "firmly fixed or attached" 「しっかりと固定される、くっつける」




Old English fæst ‘firmly fixed, steadfast’ and fæste ‘firmly’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vast and German fest ‘firm, solid’ and fast ‘almost’. In Middle English the adverb developed the senses ‘strongly, vigorously’ (compare with run hard), and ‘close, immediate’ (just surviving in the archaic fast by; compare with hard by), hence ‘closely, immediately’ and ‘quickly’; the idea of rapid movement was then reflected in adjectival use.

語源は、古記英語の”fæst”意味は ‘firmly fixed, steadfast’ and fæste ‘firmly’「しっかりとくっつけられる、」です。そのほか、オランダ語やドイツ語も影響を与えています。中期英語では「強く、激しく」という意味に発展します。そして、「すぐに」というニュアンスが加わります。




The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole: Adrian Mole Book 2 (English Edition)

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole: Adrian Mole Book 2 (English Edition)








アメリカ人宣教師の日本での布教活動を描いた"To Japan and Back: A Missionary Journey of Despair, Hope, and Joy"からの引用です。

"...We must glorify God with our bodies. They belong to Him, after all. With our sexuality, we choose celibacy till marriage so that, while single, we honor Him through our abstinence; then, when married, we honor Him with our intimacy..."






"choose celibacy till marriage" = 「結婚まで清い体でいる」





1. : the state of not being married「独身でいること」

2. a: abstention from sexual intercourse「禁欲」

     b : abstention by vow from marriage「独身を誓う」


celibate "state of not being married" (borrowed from Latin caelibātus, from caelebs"not having a spouse, unmarried"




アメリカ人宣教師の日本での布教活動を書いた"To Japan and Back: A Missionary Journey of Despair, Hope, and Joy"からの引用です。

"... I made that early registration in order to expedite going to Japan..."





"expedite something" = 「〜を早める」






”Make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.”


例、‘he promised to expedite economic reforms’「経済改革の促進を彼は約束した」
Late 15th century (in the sense ‘perform quickly’): from Latin expedire ‘extricate (originally by freeing the feet), put in order’, from ex- ‘out’ + pes, ped- ‘foot’.
ラテン語の”expedire extricate(足を自由にする)"が語源なので、もともとは「足かせを外す」というニュアンスだったみたいです。


アメリカ人宣教師の日本での布教活動を書いた"To Japan and Back: A Missionary Journey of Despair, Hope, and Joy"からの引用です。

"...I had to start paying back my student loans starting that fall (after the six-month grace period), so I needed to have a regular income. So, why not have it teaching English in Japan?..."






"grace period" = 「猶予期間」



アメリカ人宣教師による日本での布教活動を描いた"To Japan and Back: A Missionary Journey of Despair, Hope, and Joy " by JT. Stroll からの引用です。

 ”...Since starting as a programmer, I've been taken to the top of society: a wealthy young man working a hip job in the nicest town in the country. Yet to me, it seems but vanity: there's no lasting happiness in any of that. Only in following God...”




 "vanity" = 「驕り」



 Merriam Websterでは以下のように説明されています。 


"inflated pride in oneself or one's appearance: conceit"





イギリス英語のCambridge Dictionaryのサイトでは以下のように説明されています。


"the fact that you are too interested in your appearance or achievements"



映画「恋に落ちたシェイクスピア」でクリストファー・マーローが居酒屋の喧嘩で視察されたとき、劇場の支配人が"oh, vanity, vanity"と言っていたのを思い出します。





アメリカ人宣教師が日本での布教活動の様子を書いている"To Japan and Back: A Missionary Journey of Despair, Hope, and Joy"からの引用です。

"... By the last leg of the journey, I was near the breaking point: sick, tired, and emotionally exhausted."






"the last leg of the journey" = 「旅の終盤」





”leg” = a limb of an animal used especially for supporting the body and for walking"、つまり
leg = the course and distance sailed by a boat on a single tack”