


 John Updikeの"Rabbir, Run"からの引用です。


“when he picks up the baby to burp her he burps himself; the pressure in his stomach keeps breaking and re-forming into a stretched bubble as the bubble in the baby doesn’t break. The tiny soft marbled body, weightless as paper, goes stiff against his chest and then floppy, its hot head rolling as if it will unjoint from its neck. ”



"weightless as paper" = 「紙のように軽い」




John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“I’m reading,” Ruth says from a chair. The book is open to near the end. She reads books nicely, without cracking their backs, though they cost only 35¢. She has combed her hair and put it back in a roll at the nape of her neck.”



"nape" = 「うなじ」




"the back of a person's neck"





John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“I’m not sure I did. You were a real hooer?”
“I took some money. I’ve told you. There were boyfriends when I was working as a stenographer and they had friends and I lost my job because of the talk maybe I don’t know and some older men got my number I guess through Margaret, I don’t know. Look. It’s by. If it’s a question of being dirty or something a lot of married women have had to take it more often than I have.”




"by" = 「大したことのないこと」




"something of secondary importance: a side issue"





John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“But just trying to describe the injustice gives it unbearable force, and as if struck from behind he totters forward and slaps the thief’s chest and receives a mild shove that makes him sit on the ground. He rolls on his stomach and spins in the grass, revolved by his own incoherent kicking.”



"to roll on one's stomach" = 「ゴロンとうつ伏せになる」






John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“You won’t like it,” Rabbit tells him. “That’s gonna have a cherry inside.”
“Shoosh,” Mrs. Smith says. “Let the boy have the one he wants.” So the poor kid goes ahead and takes it, bewitched by the tinfoil.”




"shoosh" = 「シー(黙ってて)」




"A word used to ask someone to be quiet"





John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Is it that she doesn’t care? If so, should he tell Tothero about Margaret? But there was nothing to say about Margaret that might make Tothero happy. “I’m straightened out now, Mr. Tothero, and I hope you’re up and out of this bed soon.”



"I'm straightened out." = 「真っ当になる」


"straightened out"をググるとTheFreeDictionaryのサイトで以下のように説明されています。


"straighten someone out" = "to make someone to behave better or to have a better attitude; to reform someone"






John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Eccles comes calling and says he hopes to see them in church. Their debt to him is such that they agree it would be nice of them, at least one of them, to go. The one must be Harry. Janice can’t; she has been, by this Sunday, out of the hospital nine days and, with Harry off at his new job since Monday, is beginning to feel worn-out, weak, and abused. Harry is happy to go to Eccles’ church. Not merely out of uneasy affection for Eccles, though there’s that; but because he considers himself happy, lucky, blessed, forgiven, and wants to give thanks. His feeling that there is an unseen world is instinctive, and more of his actions than anyone suspects constitute transactions with it. He dresses in his new pale-gray suit to sell cars in and steps out at quarter of eleven into a broad blue Sunday morning a day before the summer solstice.”



"quarter of eleven" = 「10時45分」


"quarter of eleven"をググるとQuoraで以下のように説明されています。


The phrase, "it's quarter of eleven" is a shortened versionn of "it is a quarter hour before the hour of eleven o'clock," Thus, this pharase means 10:45 (or PM, dependign upon the time of day).

11時の”4分の1時間(15分)”前(”it is a quarter hour before the hour of eleven o'clock”)を短縮したものだと説明されています。

