


YouTuberとしても有名なJohn Greenの “Looking for Alaska.”からの引用です。


“Although it isn't due for more than two months, you'll be receiving your paper topic for this semester today.

Now, I'm quite sure that you've all read the syllabus for this class with such frequency and seriousness that by now you've committed it to memory.“ He smirked. ”But a reminder: This paper is fifty percent of your grade. I encourage you to take it seriously. Now, about this Jesus fellow.”





"commit it to memory" = 「脳裏に刻み込む」


"commit something to memory"をググるとmerriamwebsterのサイトでは以下のように説明されています。

"to learn(something) so that  one remembers it perfectly"







Looking For Alaska (English Edition)

Looking For Alaska (English Edition)