


YouTuberとしても有名なJohn Greenの “Looking for Alaska.” からの引用です。


“I left. It wasn't the first time Alaska had left me out of the loop, certainly, but after we'd been together so much over Thanksgiving, it seemed ridiculous to plan the prank with the Colonel but without me. Whose T-shirts were wet with her tears? Mine. Who'd listened to her read Vonnegut? Me. Who'd been the butt of the world's worst knock-knock joke? Me. I walked to the Sunny Konvenience Kiosk across from school and smoked. This never happened to me in Florida, this oh-so-high-school angst about who likes whom more, and I hated myself for letting it happen now. You don't have to care about her, I told myself. Screw her.”





"leave someone out of the loop" = 「(誰かを)除け者にする」



"out of the loop"をググると以下のように説明されています。

"unaware of information known to only a privileged few"








Looking For Alaska (English Edition)

Looking For Alaska (English Edition)