


YouTuberとしても有名なJohn Greenの “The Fault in Our Stars.”からの引用です。


“I play this game with Gus all the time, but it’s infuriating because he is a completely suicidal video-game player. He’s, like, way too aggressive about saving civilians and whatnot.”





'and whatnot' = 「その他諸々」





'whatnot' をググると以下のように説明されています。

'used to refer to an item or items that are not identified but are felt to have something in common with items already named'


 'etc...' と同じように、いくつかのモノを列挙して最後に「その他色々」と付け加えるときに'and'とセットで使う表現です。





The Fault in Our Stars (English Edition)

The Fault in Our Stars (English Edition)