


YouTuberとしても有名なJohn Greenの“The Fault in Our Stars.”からの引用です。


“He specialized in the murder of dreams, Hazel Grace, let me tell you. You think volcanoes are awesome? Tell that to the ten thousand screaming corpses at Pompeii. You still secretly believe that there is an element of magic to this world? It’s all just soulless molecules bouncing against each other randomly. Do you worry about who will take care of you if your parents die? As well you should, because they will be worm food in the fullness of time.”



"in the fullness of time" = 「時期が来れば」


ググると"in the fullenss of time"は以下のように説明されています。

"after a due length of time has elapsed; eventually"






The Fault in Our Stars (English Edition)

The Fault in Our Stars (English Edition)