


YouTuberとしても有名なJohn Greenの"An Abundance of Katherrines"からの引用です。


“I don’t know,” Colin said softly into his dad’s shoulder. “She’s just—she’d had enough of me. She got tired. That’s what she said.” And then his mom got up and there was a lot of hugging, arms everywhere, and his mom was crying. Colin extricated himself from the hugs and sat down on his bed. He felt a tremendous need to get them out of his room immediately, like if they didn’t leave he would blow up. Literally. Guts on the walls; his prodigious brain emptied out onto his bedspread.”




"She's had enough of me" = 「彼女は僕に飽きたんだ」



"have enough of someone"をググるとTheFreeDicitonaryのサイトでは以下のように説明されています。

"to have had or endured as much of someone or somehting as one can handle"





An Abundance of Katherines (English Edition)

An Abundance of Katherines (English Edition)