


ユーチューバーとしても有名なJohn Greenの"An Abundance of Katherines"からの引用です。


“As Colin climbed out of the passenger’s seat in the Hardee’s parking lot at Exit 212 in Carver County, Tennessee, he called his mom.
“Hey, we’re in Tennessee.”
“How are you feeling, buddy?”
“Better, I guess. I don’t know. It’s hot. Did, um, did anyone call?”
His mom paused, and he could just feel her wretched pity. “Sorry, love. I’ll tell, uh, anyone, to call your cell.”
“Thanks, Mom. I gotta go eat lunch at Hardee’s.”
“Sounds delightful. Wear your seat belt! I love you!”
“You too.”










"wear the seatbelt" = 「シートベルトを締める」



have (something) on one's body as clothing, decoration, or protection"










An Abundance of Katherines (English Edition)

An Abundance of Katherines (English Edition)