


ユーチューバーとしても有名な"An Abundnance of Katheriens"からの引用です。


“You should come out,” Hassan told him. He was standing beside Lindsey in the living room. She wore dangly blue earrings and quite a bit of rouge, which made her look flushed.
“I’m behind on my reading,” Colin explained.
“Behind on your reading? All you do is read,” Lindsey said.
I’ve been way behind because I’ve worked so hard on the Theorem and because of oral historianing. I try to read four hundred pages a day—ever since I was seven.”
“Even on weekends?”
“Particularly on weekends, because then I can really focus on pleasure reading.”









"to be behind on one's reading" = 「読み物がたまっている」


"behind on"をググるとFreeDictionaryのサイトで以下のように説明されています。

"'behind in' Also, ;behind on'. Late with;

not progressinng quickly enough with. For example, The builders are behind on this project, or I can't take time out or I'll be too far behind in my work. The same idea is also expressed as 'behind time,' where time meanns a schedule or appointed itme, as in The bus should have been here; it's behind time."

「十分に早く進捗していないこと。例えば『現場作業員たちはこのプロジェクトで遅れている(The builders are behind on this project)』又は『一休みすると仕事が遅れすぎる』同じような意味は'behind time'でも表される。時間のところはスケジュールやアポイントの時間等を意味する。例えば『バスはもうついているはずだ。遅れている(The bus should have been here; it's behind time)』」







