


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Are you the babysitter?”
“I’m the wife,” she says, and sits down in the center of the white sofa, to prove it.
He takes a padded wing chair opposite. The plum fabric feels softly gritty against his naked forearms. He is wearing a checked sports shirt, with the sleeves turned back to his elbows. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Of course. Her bare legs, crossed, show the blue dabs of varicose veins. Her face, when she sits, is not as young as at the door. Double chin when she relaxes, head tucked back. Smug little cookie. Firm little knockers. He asks, “How old is your child?”





"double chin" = 「二重アゴ


"double chin"をググると以下のように説明されています。


"a roll of fatty flesh below a person's chin"


上記の説明文の中で使われている"roll"という単語をググると 名詞として次の意味が含まれています" a cylindrical mass of something or a number of items arranged in a cylindrical shape"「円筒上のなにかの塊又は円筒状に並べられた物」その他には"a very small loaf of break, to be eaten by one person"「(日本でいう)ロールパン」。個人的には2重アゴの余った肉がロールパンに似ているので"a roll of fatty flesh...(ロールパンのような)脂肪の膨らみ"という説明がされているのだと推測します。

