


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。


“Janice closes her eyes and says, “He went to Allentown.”
“What would he do there?”
“He’s going to sell a car.”
“Don’t be silly. Janice. Are you all right?”
“What do you mean?”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Drinking what?”
“Now don’t worry, I’m coming right over.”
“Mother, don’t. Everything is fine. I just put Nelson into his nap.”
“I’ll have a bite to eat out of the icebox and come right over. You lie down.”
“Mother, please don’t come over.”
“Janice, now don’t talk back. When did he go?”
Stay away, Mother. He’ll be back tonight.” She listens and adds, “And stop crying.”















"talk back" = 「口答えする」


"talk back"をググると以下のように説明されています。


"reply defiantly or insolently"


