


John Updikeの"Rabbit Redux"からの引用です。


“I'd like to, Pop. You know I would."
"I know, Jesus I know. I know more than you think. You're at just the age to realize your old man's not the dope you always thought he was."
"The trouble is, Janice works in the lot office until ten, eleven all the time and I don't like to leave the kid alone in the house. In fact I better be getting back there now just in case." In case it's burned down. In case a madman has moved in. These things happen all the time in the papers. He can read in his father's face – a fishy pinching-in at the corners of the mouth, a tightened veiling of the washed-out eyes – the old man's suspicions confirmed. Rabbit sees red. Meddling old crock. ”





"to see red" = 「(怒りで)カッとなる」


"see red"をググると以下のように説明されています。


"become very angry suddenly"





"Possibly from the red flag used in some historic armies to signal the immence of battle, or from the red cloth used to enrage bulls in Spanish bullfightinng, or more generally from the idea of red as a colour of warning and danger..."



