


John Updikeの"Rabbir, Run"からの引用です。 “when he picks up the baby to burp her he burps himself; the pressure in his stomach keeps breaking and re-forming into a stretched bubble as the bubble in the baby doesn’t break. The tiny soft ma…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “I’m reading,” Ruth says from a chair. The book is open to near the end. She reads books nicely, without cracking their backs, though they cost only 35¢. She has combed her hair and put it back in…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “I’m not sure I did. You were a real hooer?”“I took some money. I’ve told you. There were boyfriends when I was working as a stenographer and they had friends and I lost my job because of the talk…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “But just trying to describe the injustice gives it unbearable force, and as if struck from behind he totters forward and slaps the thief’s chest and receives a mild shove that makes him sit on th…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “You won’t like it,” Rabbit tells him. “That’s gonna have a cherry inside.”“Shoosh,” Mrs. Smith says. “Let the boy have the one he wants.” So the poor kid goes ahead and takes it, bewitched by the…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Is it that she doesn’t care? If so, should he tell Tothero about Margaret? But there was nothing to say about Margaret that might make Tothero happy. “I’m straightened out now, Mr. Tothero, and I…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Eccles comes calling and says he hopes to see them in church. Their debt to him is such that they agree it would be nice of them, at least one of them, to go. The one must be Harry. Janice can’t;…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “The straight path is made smooth. Mr. Springer had been paying rent on the apartment all along, it turns out; he is a personal friend of the landlord and had arranged it without troubling his dau…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “So for thirty minutes he sits by her bed watching some crew-cut M.C. tease a lot of elderly women from Akron, Ohio, and Oakland, California. The idea is all these women have tragedies they tell a…


John Updikeの”Rabbit, Run”からの引用です。 Rabbit, Run【電子書籍】[ John Updike ]価格: 1603 円楽天で詳細を見る “But it seems long ago, and every second Harrison stands there smirking it seems longer. He is wearing a narrow-shouldered seers…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “The hour hand has moved past ten; it’s getting embarrassing. It’s sounding as if she’s been deserted. And in fact it frightens her, that her husband seems to be nowhere in the world. She makes co…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Being a small-town boy, he always has a fear of being knifed in a city slum. He runs harder; the pavement widens, parking meters begin, and a new drive-in bank faces the antique Y.M.C.A. ” 「小さ…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “She lies there like some dead animal or somebody after a car accident when they put a tarpaulin over. He feels if he went over and lifted her she would come to life but he doesn’t like being mani…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “From about twelve years old on,” Angstrom says, “he was at that night and day. I put a pole up for him out back; the garage wasn’t high enough.” 「『12歳ごろから、』アングストロームは言う『ラビ…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “When he set his mind to something,” Mrs. Angstrom says, “there was no stopping him.” She yanks powerfully at the lever of the ice-cube tray and with a brilliant multiple crunch that sends chips s…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “She puts the cubes in a glass and holds the glass under a spigot and brings it to him. He tilts it at his lips and Earl Angstrom’s palely vehement voice wavers through the liquid. “Then he comes …


John Updikeの "Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Epigrams, everything. My, she is funny. Eccles laughs out loud. She doesn’t acknowledge hearing him, and turns to her wash with furious seriousness. “About as shy as a snake,” she says, “that gi…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Mrs. Angstrom has four-cornered nostrils. Lozenge-shape, they are set in a nose that is not so much large as extra-defined; the little pieces of muscle and cartilage and bone are individually emp…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “You don’t hear the talk I do. You don’t see the smiles. Why, one woman as good as said to me the other day if she can’t keep him she has no right to him. She had the gall to grin right in my face…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Well not to hear Peggy Fosnacht tell it. She says she hears he’s leading the life of Riley. I don’t know how many women he has.”“Just one, I’m sure. The strange thing about Angstrom, he’s by natu…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Eccles sits down in the aluminum chair again. “No. He’ll come back for the same reason he left. He’s fastidious. He has to loop the loop. The world he’s in now, the world of this girl in Brewer, …


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “The old gypsy sees his uncertainty. “Well that’s easy to say,” she says. “It’s not so easy maybe to take such a view if you’re nine months expecting and from a respectable home and your husband’s…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “I don’t know why the boy is such a sissy,” Mrs. Springer says. “Or maybe I do.”Her sly adding this irks Eccles. “Why?”The liverish skin under her eyes lifts and the corners of her mouth pull down…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Making awkward calls is agony for Eccles; at least anticipation of them is. Usually, the dream is worse than the reality: God rules reality. The actual presences of people are always bearable. Mr…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “The air sparkled with the scent of chlorine. Clean, clean: it came to him what clean was. It was nothing touching you that is not your element. Ruth in water, him in grass and air. He is not a wa…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 Rabbit, Run【電子書籍】[ John Updike ]価格: 1494 円楽天で詳細を見る “You’re so smug, is what gets me. Don’t you ever think you’re going to have to pay a price?” She looks at him now, squarely with…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “You’re so smug, is what gets me. Don’t you ever think you’re going to have to pay a price?” She looks at him now, squarely with eyes bloodshot from being in the water. She shades them with her ha…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 Rabbit, Run【電子書籍】[ John Updike ]価格: 1623 円楽天で詳細を見る “The hell you do. I have a job.” It’s true. A little after he went to work for Mrs. Smith she got a job as a stenographer with a…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Oh all the world loves you,” Ruth says suddenly. “What I wonder is why?”“I’m lovable,” he says.“I mean why the hell you. What’s so special about you?”“I’m a saint,” he says. “I give people faith.…


John Updikeの"Rabbit, Run"からの引用です。 “Are you the babysitter?”“I’m the wife,” she says, and sits down in the center of the white sofa, to prove it.He takes a padded wing chair opposite. The plum fabric feels softly gritty against his…